Didier Louis

The Didier Louis group consists of several separate companies, each one having its own role and operation:
- Agence IDEF SAS, with a variable capital of EUR 11 850
- Haras IDEF SARL, Breeding company
- Ecurie Didier Louis SAS, with a capital of EUR 30 000
Didier LOUIS, founder of the group of the same name, was born in Caen, land of the trotter. After a career in professional cycling in France, Europe and the United States, he decided to capitalise on this success and his experience to embrace his second childhood passion, trotter racing. More info
Telephone: +33 6 80 71 62 47 – d.louis@didierlouis.com
Agence IDEF, a French SAS (simplified joint stock company) created in 2002. Company specialised in activities related to sport. Head office: 40 rue du Séminaire, BP 70327, 94153 Rungis Cedex, France Tel.: +33 1 41 73 79 44 – Fax: +33 1 41 73 71 33 contact@didierlouis.com – SAS with variable capital.
Josette Dupuy is president of Agence IDEF – siret 44080432600039
Haras IDEF, breeding company created in 2005.
Based at LA COCHERE (61310) France, the Haras IDEF is specialised in horse breeding.
Maurice Chicard is manager of Haras IDEF – siret 47846008200033
Ecurie Didier Louis, a French SAS (simplified joint stock company) created in 2008. Head office: 102 Avenue des Champs Elysées, 75 008 Paris, France
Telephone +33 1 43 75 95 64 – Fax: +33 1 41 73 71 33 – Mobile: +33 6 77 72 29 55 – contact@didierlouis.com siret 50527274000018
Apart from Didier Louis, the other shareholders are either retired persons from transport and industry or people still engaged in business activities. Although the associates do not all live in the same region, have the same age or the same professional background, they all share the same passion for horses.